Mastering Siri: Essential iPhone Voice Commands You Need to Know

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Mastering Siri

Siri is one of the most powerful and convenient features of the iPhone. It allows you to control your device, get information, and perform tasks with just your voice. But do you know how to use Siri to its full potential? In this article, I will show you some of the essential Siri voice commands you need to know to master this virtual assistant.

Whether you want to make calls, send messages, set reminders, play music, or ask questions, Siri can help you do it faster and easier. Plus, I will also share some tips and tricks on how to customize Siri and troubleshoot common issues. So, let's get started!

What is Siri and why use it?

Siri is the voice-activated personal assistant that comes built-in with every iPhone. You can use Siri to interact with your iPhone and other Apple devices, such as Apple TV, HomePod, Apple Watch, and Mac, as well as some third-party apps and smart home devices. Siri can understand natural language and respond to your requests in a conversational way. You can use Siri to do things like:

  • Make calls and FaceTime
  • Send and read text messages and emails
  • Set reminders, alarms, timers, and calendar events
  • Ask questions about weather, math, conversions, definitions, sports, movies, and more
  • Open apps and control settings
  • Play music and podcasts
  • Control smart home devices
  • Create custom commands with Shortcuts

Using Siri voice commands can save you time and effort, as you don't have to type, tap, or swipe on your screen. You can also use Siri hands-free, which is especially useful when you are driving, cooking, or doing other activities that require your attention. Siri can also help you with accessibility, as you can use voice control to navigate your iPhone and adjust settings.

How to wake Siri and adjust settings?

To use Siri, you need to wake it up first. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Press and hold the home button (or the side button on newer models) until you see the Siri icon and hear a beep.
  2. Say "Hey Siri" (if you have enabled this option in Settings).

Once Siri is awake, you can speak your command or question. You will see a waveform at the bottom of the screen, indicating that Siri is listening. You can also type your query by tapping the keyboard icon. Siri will respond verbally and visually, showing you the answer or confirmation on the screen. You can also tap the Siri icon to see more information or options.

To adjust Siri settings, go to Settings > Siri & Search. Here you can:

  • Turn on or off "Hey Siri" and "Press Home for Siri" (or "Press Side Button for Siri").
  • Choose your preferred language, voice, and feedback.
  • Enable or disable Siri suggestions on the lock screen, search, and widgets.
  • Manage Siri shortcuts and app permissions.

Note: To use Siri, you need to have an internet connection, as Siri relies on Apple's servers to process your requests. If you are offline, Siri will tell you that it can't connect to the network.

What are some essential Siri voice commands?

There are hundreds of Siri voice commands you can use to perform various tasks and functions. Here are some of the most essential and useful ones you need to know:

Make calls and FaceTime

To make a call or FaceTime someone, you can say "Call [contact name]" or "FaceTime [contact name]". You can also add more specific commands, such as "Call Mom on speaker" or "FaceTime Dad using my iPad". If you have multiple numbers or emails for a contact, Siri will ask you which one to use. You can also say "Call the last number" or "Redial" to call the most recent number you dialed.

Send and read text messages and emails

To send a text message or an email, you can say "Tell [contact name] [message]" or "Send email to [contact name] about [subject] and say [message]". Siri will show you a preview of your message or email and ask you to confirm before sending. You can also say "Change it" or "Add more" to edit or append your message or email. To read your new messages or emails, you can say "Read new messages" or "Check my email". Siri will read them aloud and ask you if you want to reply.

Set reminders, alarms, timers, and calendar events

To set a reminder, an alarm, a timer, or a calendar event, you can say "Remind me to [task] at [time or location]" or "Set an alarm for [time]" or "Set a timer for [duration]" or "Add [event] to my calendar for [date and time]". You can also specify which list, alarm sound, or calendar to use. For example, "Remind me to buy milk on my grocery list" or "Set an alarm for 7 am with the harp sound" or "Add a dentist appointment to my work calendar for next Monday at 10 am".

Ask questions

Siri can answer a wide range of questions, from simple to complex, using various sources and services. You can ask Siri questions like:

  • "What's the weather today?" or "Will it rain tomorrow?" or "What's the temperature in New York?"
  • "How many cups are in a quart?" or "What's 15% of 200?" or "What's the square root of 64?"
  • "Who won the Oscars last year?" or "What's the latest score of the cricket match?" or "When is the next episode of The Crown?"
  • "What's the definition of arduous?" or "How do you spell antidisestablishmentarianism?" or "What's a synonym for happy?"
  • "How do I say hello in French?" or "What's the capital of Brazil?" or "Who is the president of China?"

Siri will show you the answer on the screen, along with the source and a link to more information. You can also tap the answer to open the app or website that provided it.

Open apps and control settings

To open an app, you can say "Open [app name]". For example, "Open Spotify" or "Open Safari". You can also ask Siri to perform specific actions within the app, if the app supports Siri integration. For example, "Play my workout playlist on Spotify" or "Search for pizza recipes on Safari". To control settings, you can say "Turn on [setting name]" or "Set [setting name] to [value]". For example, "Turn on airplane mode" or "Set the brightness to 50%". You can also ask Siri to show you settings, such as "Show me Wi-Fi settings" or "Show me battery usage".

Play music and podcasts

To play music or podcasts, you can say "Play [song, artist, album, genre, or playlist]" or "Play [podcast name or episode]". For example, "Play some jazz" or "Play the latest episode of Serial". You can also use commands like "Pause", "Skip", "Shuffle", "Repeat", or "What's playing?". If you have an Apple Music subscription, you can also ask Siri to play music based on your mood, activity, or preference. For example, "Play something I like" or "Play some relaxing music" or "Play the best songs of 2020".

Control smart home devices

If you have smart home devices that are compatible with Apple's HomeKit, you can use Siri to control them with your voice. You can say "Turn on [device name]" or "Set [device name] to [setting]". For example, "Turn on the lights" or "Set the thermostat to 72 degrees". You can also create scenes, which are groups of devices that work together, and activate them with Siri. For example, "Good morning" or "Good night" or "Movie time". To manage your smart home devices and scenes, you need to use the Home app on your iPhone.

Create custom commands with Shortcuts

Shortcuts is an app that lets you create custom commands for Siri and automate tasks. You can use the built-in shortcuts or create your own with the Shortcuts app. For example, you can create a shortcut that says "I'm on my way" and sends a text message to your spouse, gets directions to your home, and plays your favorite podcast. To use a shortcut, you just need to say the name of the shortcut to Siri.


Mastering Siri can significantly enhance your iPhone experience by leveraging its powerful voice commands. From making calls, sending messages, setting reminders to controlling smart home devices, Siri simplifies tasks and provides hands-free convenience. By exploring and customizing Siri settings, you can personalize your interactions further.

Don't forget the versatility of Siri in answering questions, opening apps, playing music, and creating custom commands with Shortcuts. Embrace the efficiency and accessibility Siri offers, making your iPhone a seamless extension of your voice-activated capabilities. Now, armed with these essential commands, go ahead and unlock the full potential of Siri on your iPhone.

About the Author

A passionate content creator and writer on a mission to make your digital life easier and more exciting. I dive into the fascinating universe & share hidden gems from the web, and deliver a wide array of amazing content.

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