Battery Stats Shortcut for iPhone to Check Your Real Battery Health

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How to Check Your iPhone's Real Battery Health with Battery Stats Shortcut

Do you want to know how healthy your iPhone's battery is? Do you want to see how many charge cycles your iPhone has been through and how it affects your battery capacity? Do you want to access the battery information that is hidden in the iPhone analytics file? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to use the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone.

The Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone is a custom shortcut that you can download and run on your device using the Shortcuts app. It is a powerful tool that gives you access to the real battery health of your iPhone, which is not available in the Settings app. The shortcut uses a private API to retrieve the battery information, which is more accurate and reliable than the public API used by the Settings app.

In this article, I will show you how to use the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone, which is a handy tool that gives you real-time information about your battery status, such as the original charge capacity, current charge capacity, cycle count, and more. You will also learn how to install and run the shortcut, as well as some tips and tricks to improve your battery health and performance. By the end of this article, you will be able to use the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone to monitor your battery health and optimize your device's performance.

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What is Battery Stats Shortcut for iPhone?

Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone is a custom shortcut that you can download and run on your device using the Shortcuts app. It is a powerful tool that gives you access to the real battery health of your iPhone, which is not available in the Settings app. The shortcut uses a private API to retrieve the battery information, which is more accurate and reliable than the public API used by the Settings app.

The Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone can show you the following information about your battery:

  • Original charge capacity (mAh): This is the amount of charge that your battery could hold when it was new. This is also called the design capacity or the MaximumFCC. Apple does not publish this information on their website, and it varies from iPhone to iPhone. The only way to find your iPhone's original charge capacity is in the iPhone analytics file.
  • Current charge capacity (mAh): This is the amount of charge that your battery can hold at the moment. This is also called the nominal charge capacity. Unless your iPhone is fresh out of the box, this number will be lower than the original charge capacity. As you use your iPhone and put it through charge cycles, its current charge capacity drops.
  • Cycle count: This is the number of charge cycles that your iPhone has been through. A charge cycle is any time you discharge your iPhone a total of 100%. It could be 100% to 0%, but more often, it's something like this: You use your iPhone during the day, and the battery percentage drops from 80% to 30%. You charge your iPhone back up to 100% overnight. You use your iPhone over the course of the day and the battery life drops 50%. That's one complete charge cycle. The more charge cycles your iPhone goes through, the lower its current charge capacity becomes.
  • Battery capacity (%): This is the percentage of your battery's current charge capacity compared to its original charge capacity. For example, if your battery's original charge capacity is 2000 mAh and its current charge capacity is 1800 mAh, then its battery capacity is 90%. This is also called the health or the age of your battery. The higher the battery capacity, the healthier your battery is.

As you can see, the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone gives you a lot of information about your battery that you can use to check its health and performance. You can also export the data to a CSV file or share it with other apps.

Why Should You Use Battery Stats Shortcut for iPhone?

You might be wondering why you should use the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone instead of the Battery Health feature in the Settings app. Well, there are several reasons why the shortcut is better and more useful than the Settings app. Here are some of them:

  • The shortcut gives you more accurate and detailed information about your battery than the Settings app. The Settings app only shows you the maximum capacity and peak performance capability of your battery, which are not very reliable indicators of your battery health. The shortcut, on the other hand, shows you the original charge capacity, current charge capacity, cycle count, and battery capacity, which are more relevant and useful for monitoring your battery health.
  • The shortcut can show you the real battery health of your iPhone, which is not available in the Settings app. The Settings app only shows you the battery health based on the public API, which is not very accurate and can be easily manipulated by software updates or third-party apps. The shortcut, on the other hand, shows you the battery health based on the private API, which is more accurate and consistent.
  • The shortcut can help you optimize your device's performance and extend your battery life. By using the shortcut, you can see how your battery is performing and how it affects your device's performance. You can also see if your battery needs to be replaced or serviced, and take the necessary actions to improve your battery health. For example, you can avoid charging your battery to 100% or letting it drain to 0%, which can reduce your battery's lifespan. You can also avoid exposing your device to extreme temperatures, which can damage your battery. You can also use the shortcut to compare your battery's performance with other devices or models, and see if your device is up to date or needs an upgrade.

As you can see, the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone is a very useful and powerful tool that can help you check your battery health and optimize your device's performance. It is also very easy to use and does not require any jailbreak or special permissions. All you need is the Shortcuts app and the Battery Stats shortcut, which you can download and install in a few minutes.

How to Install and Run Battery Stats Shortcut for iPhone?

Now that you know what the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone is and why you should use it, let me show you how to install and run it on your device. It is very simple and straightforward, and you can do it in a few steps. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Download and install the Shortcuts app from the App Store, if you don't have it already. The Shortcuts app is a native app that allows you to create and run custom shortcuts on your device. You can also use it to access and run shortcuts created by other users, such as the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone.
  2. Download the Battery Stats shortcut from the bottom of this article. After that you should see a page that says "Get Shortcut". Tap on the Get Shortcut button to download and add the shortcut to your library. You might see a warning message that says "This shortcut was downloaded from the internet and may not be secure. Only run shortcuts from sources you trust." Don't worry, this is a normal message that appears for all shortcuts downloaded from the internet. The Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone is safe and secure, and you can trust it. Tap on OK to continue.
  3. Go to the My Shortcuts tab at the bottom to see your library of shortcuts. You should see the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone with a blue icon and a battery symbol. Tap on the shortcut to run it.
  4. The shortcut will ask you for permission to access your device's battery information. Tap on OK to allow it. The shortcut will then run and show you the battery information on your screen. You can scroll down to see all the information, or tap on the Share button at the top right to export or share the data.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed and run the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone. You can now use it anytime you want to check your battery health and performance. You can also customize the shortcut by changing its name, icon, or settings. To do that, go to the My Shortcuts tab, tap on the three dots icon on the Battery Stats shortcut, and then tap on the Settings icon at the top right. You can then change the shortcut's name, icon, color, or other options.

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How to Check Your iPhone's Battery Health Using the iPhone Analytics File?

If you don’t want to use the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone, there is another way to check your battery health using the iPhone analytics file. The iPhone analytics file is a log file that contains various information about your device’s performance, usage, and diagnostics. It also contains some information about your battery, such as the original charge capacity, current charge capacity, and cycle count. However, this method requires you to have the Share iPhone Analytics option turned on in your device’s settings, which might not be the case for some users who value their privacy and security. Here is how to check your battery health using the iPhone analytics file:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and tap Privacy & Security -> Analytics & Improvements -> Analytics Data.
  2. Scroll down and look for a file that starts with “Analytics” followed by a date. For example, “Analytics-2024-01-09”. Tap on the file to open it.
  3. Tap on the Share button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and then tap Copy to copy the file’s content to your clipboard.
  4. Open a text editor app on your device, such as Notes or Pages, and paste the file’s content into a new document.
  5. Search for the following keywords in the document: “MaximumFCC”, “NominalChargeCapacity”, and “CycleCount”. You should see the corresponding values next to these keywords. These are the same values that the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone shows you.

Congratulations, you have successfully checked your battery health using the iPhone analytics file. You can now compare the values with the ones from the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone and see if they match or differ. You can also save or share the document with other apps or users.


What is the difference between maximum capacity and current capacity?

Maximum capacity is the percentage of your battery’s original capacity that it can still hold when fully charged. For example, if your battery’s maximum capacity is 90%, it means that your battery can only hold 90% of the charge it could when it was new. Current capacity is the amount of charge (in mAh) that your battery can hold at the moment. For example, if your battery’s current capacity is 1800 mAh, it means that your battery can hold 1800 mAh of charge right now. Current capacity can vary depending on your battery’s usage, temperature, and other factors.

What is peak performance capability and how does it affect my device?

Peak performance capability is the ability of your device to deliver the maximum amount of power that your battery can provide. When your battery is healthy and has enough charge, your device can operate at peak performance without any issues. However, when your battery is degraded or low on charge, your device might experience unexpected shutdowns or performance issues. To prevent this, your device might reduce its performance to match the lower power output of your battery. This is called performance management, and it can affect your device’s speed, responsiveness, and functionality.

How can I improve my battery health and performance?

There are several ways to improve your battery health and performance, such as:

  • Avoid charging your battery to 100% or letting it drain to 0%, which can reduce your battery’s lifespan. Instead, try to keep your battery between 20% and 80% most of the time.
  • Avoid exposing your device to extreme temperatures, which can damage your battery. Keep your device in a comfortable and moderate temperature range, preferably between 16°C and 22°C.
  • Use low power mode or turn off unnecessary features when you don’t need them, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, background app refresh, etc. This can reduce your battery’s consumption and extend its life.
  • Update your device’s software to the latest version, which can improve your device’s performance and efficiency. You can also check for any apps that are draining your battery and update or delete them.
  • Replace your battery if it is degraded or damaged, or if it affects your device’s performance significantly. You can contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store to check your battery’s status and see if it needs to be replaced or serviced.


In this article, I have shown you two ways to check your battery health and performance using the Battery Stats shortcut for iPhone and the iPhone analytics file. You have also learned the meaning and importance of the different battery information, such as the original charge capacity, current charge capacity, cycle count, and battery capacity. You have also learned some tips and tricks to improve your battery health and performance, such as avoiding extreme temperatures, charging habits, and software updates.

I hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you and help you out. Thank you for reading and happy shortcutting!

Battery StatsShortcut

About the Author

A passionate content creator and writer on a mission to make your digital life easier and more exciting. I dive into the fascinating universe & share hidden gems from the web, and deliver a wide array of amazing content.

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