Network Tool Shortcut for iPhone

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How to Use Network Tool Shortcut for iPhone: A Beginner's Guide

If you're an iPhone user who wants to get the most out of your network connection, you might be interested in using a network tool shortcut. A network tool shortcut is a custom-made app that you can run from your home screen or Siri, and it can perform various tasks related to your network, such as:

  • Show information about Wi-Fi (name, internal and external IP)
  • Do a speed test ( in integrated window)
  • Test ping (
  • Advanced information lookup (name, IP number, country, city, region and service provider)
  • IP's physical location on map
  • Share Wi-Fi with QR code

In this article, I'll show you how to use a network tool shortcut for iPhone, and explain why it's useful and how it works. I'll also answer some frequently asked questions and provide some troubleshooting tips in case you encounter any problems. By the end of this article, you'll be able to use a network tool shortcut for iPhone like a pro!

Table of Contents

What is a network tool shortcut for iPhone?

A network tool shortcut for iPhone is a custom-made app that you can create using the Shortcuts app, which is a built-in app on iOS devices that lets you automate tasks and create your own mini-apps. You can find the Shortcuts app on your home screen, or by asking Siri to open it.

A network tool shortcut for iPhone can perform various tasks related to your network connection, such as showing you information about your Wi-Fi, doing a speed test, testing ping, looking up advanced information, showing IP's location on map, and sharing Wi-Fi with QR code. You can run the shortcut from your home screen, by tapping on its icon, or by asking Siri to run it. You can also customize the shortcut to suit your preferences and needs.

A network tool shortcut for iPhone is useful because it can help you monitor and optimize your network connection, troubleshoot any issues, and share your Wi-Fi with others easily. It can also save you time and hassle, as you don't have to go through multiple settings and apps to access the information and functions you need.

How to use a network tool shortcut for iPhone?

To use a network tool shortcut for iPhone, you need to do two things: first, you need to download and install a network tool shortcut from a third-party source, and second, you need to run and customize the shortcut.

How to download and install a network tool shortcut for iPhone?

There are many network tool shortcuts available online, created by different developers and users. You can search for network tool shortcuts on Google or other search engines, or download it directly at the end of this article.

For this article, I'll use a network tool shortcut that I created by merging some of the best network information shortcuts I found online. It's called Network Tool, and it can do all the things I mentioned above.

Once you have scroll down at the end of this article and click on the download icon for the shortcut, follow these steps to download and install the network tool shortcut for iPhone:

  1. Once you click on the download icon. It will open the shortcut in the Shortcuts app.
  2. Scroll to the bottom, and then tap "Add Untrusted Shortcut." This will add the shortcut to your "My Shortcuts" tab in the Shortcuts app. You might need to enable "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts" in the Settings app first, under Shortcuts > Allow Untrusted Shortcuts.
  3. Go to your home screen, and tap and hold on an empty space to enter the jiggle mode. Then, tap on the "+" icon on the top left corner to add a widget.
  4. Scroll down and select "Shortcuts" from the list of widgets. Then, choose the size and layout of the widget you want, and tap on "Add Widget."
  5. Tap on the widget to customize it. Then, tap on "Choose" and select the network tool shortcut from the list of shortcuts. You can also rename the shortcut and change its icon and color.
  6. Tap on "Done" to save the widget. You can also move and resize the widget as you like.

Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded and installed a network tool shortcut for iPhone! You can now run the shortcut by tapping on the widget, or by asking Siri to run it.

How to run and customize a network tool shortcut for iPhone?

To run a network tool shortcut for iPhone, you can either tap on the widget on your home screen, or ask Siri to run it. For example, you can say "Hey Siri, run Network Tool." This will launch the shortcut and show you a menu with different options, such as:

  • Show information about Wi-Fi
  • Do a speed test
  • Test ping
  • Advanced information lookup
  • IP's physical location on map
  • Share Wi-Fi with QR code

You can tap on any option to perform the corresponding task. For example, if you tap on "Show information about Wi-Fi", the shortcut will show you the name of your Wi-Fi network, your internal and external IP addresses, and a button to copy them to your clipboard. If you tap on "Do a speed test", the shortcut will open a web view with, which is a website that measures your internet speed. You can also swipe down to close the web view and return to the menu.

To customize a network tool shortcut for iPhone, you can edit the shortcut in the Shortcuts app. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app and go to the "My Shortcuts" tab.
  2. Tap on the network tool shortcut to open it. Then, tap on the three dots icon on the top right corner to enter the edit mode.
  3. Here, you can see the actions and parameters that make up the shortcut. You can add, delete, modify, or rearrange them as you like. You can also change the name, icon, and color of the shortcut.
  4. When you're done, tap on "Done" to save the changes. You can also tap on the share icon on the bottom left corner to share the shortcut with others, or to duplicate or delete it.

Some of the things you can customize in the network tool shortcut for iPhone are:

  • The order and number of options in the menu. You can drag and drop the "Choose from Menu" actions to change their order, or tap on the "+" or "-" icons to add or remove options.
  • The website and domain used for the speed test and ping test. You can change the URL and the host name in the "Show Web Page" and "Get Network Details" actions, respectively.
  • The information and format displayed for the advanced information lookup and the IP's location on map. You can change the variables and the text in the "Show Result" and "Show Map" actions, respectively.
  • The appearance and content of the QR code for sharing Wi-Fi. You can change the size, color, and error correction level of the QR code in the "Generate QR Code" action, and the Wi-Fi name and password in the "Text" action.

Be careful not to delete or modify any actions that are essential for the shortcut to work properly, such as the "Get Network Details" or the "If" actions. If you're not sure what an action does, you can tap on the "i" icon next to it to see a description and an example.

Frequently Asked Question

Here are some of the most common question and answer about using a network tool shortcut for iPhone:

Is it safe to use a network tool shortcut for iPhone?

Generally, yes, it is safe to use a network tool shortcut for iPhone, as long as you download it from a reputable source and check the actions and parameters before installing it. However, there are some risks and limitations that you should be aware of, such as:

  • Some network tool shortcuts might require access to your location, contacts, photos, or other personal data. You should only grant permission if you trust the source and the purpose of the shortcut. You can also revoke the permission later in the Settings app, under Privacy > Shortcuts.
  • Some network tool shortcuts might use third-party websites or services to perform some tasks, such as for speed test, for advanced information lookup, or for IP’s location on map. These websites or services might collect and store some data about your network and device, such as your IP address, browser, location, etc. You should read their privacy policies and terms of use before using them.
  • Some network tool shortcuts might not work properly or at all, depending on your network settings, device model, iOS version, or other factors. You might need to update, modify, or delete the shortcut if it causes any errors or issues.

Therefore, you should always be careful and cautious when using a network tool shortcut for iPhone, and only use it if you’re comfortable with the risks and limitations.


A network tool shortcut for iPhone is a handy and powerful app that you can create and use to perform various tasks related to your network connection, such as showing information about Wi-Fi, doing a speed test, testing ping, looking up advanced information, showing IP’s location on map, and sharing Wi-Fi with QR code. You can download and install a network tool shortcut from a third-party source, such as the one I created and shared in this article, and run and customize it from your home screen or Siri. A network tool shortcut for iPhone can help you monitor and optimize your network connection, troubleshoot any issues, and share your Wi-Fi with others easily. It can also save you time and hassle, as you don’t have to go through multiple settings and apps to access the information and functions you need.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new and useful. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. I’d love to hear from you and help you out. Thank you for reading, and happy networking!

This is Techie Sanan, signing off.

Network ToolShortcut

About the Author

A passionate content creator and writer on a mission to make your digital life easier and more exciting. I dive into the fascinating universe & share hidden gems from the web, and deliver a wide array of amazing content.

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