How to take good photos on iphone? Take good pics on iphone in 2024

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iPhone Photography: A Beginner's Guide

Do you want to learn how to take good pictures with iPhone? You are not alone. Many people use their iPhones as their main cameras, and they want to improve their skills and their results. iPhone photography can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be challenging and frustrating. How do you use the iPhone camera to take professional photos with iPhone? How do you make your photos stand out from the crowd? How do you capture the beauty and the emotion of the moment?

In this article, I will show you how to take good pictures on iPhone, even if you are a beginner. I will teach you the basic principles of photography, the features and settings of the iPhone camera, and some tips and tricks to enhance your photos. I will also show you some examples of amazing photos with iPhone that you can use as inspiration.

By the end of this article, you will be able to take good photos on iPhone that you can be proud of and share with your friends and family. You will also have fun and enjoy the process of iPhone photography.

So, let's get started!

What Makes a Good Photo?

Before we get into the technical details of how to take good pictures with iPhone, let's talk about what makes a good photo in the first place. A good photo is not just a clear and sharp image of something. A good photo is a story, a message, a feeling, or a vision that you want to communicate to the viewer.

A good photo can be subjective, depending on your personal taste and preferences. But there are some universal elements that can make a photo more appealing and effective. These elements are:

  • Composition: This is how you arrange the elements in your photo, such as the subject, the background, the foreground, and the negative space. A good composition can create balance, harmony, contrast, and interest in your photo. It can also guide the viewer's eye to the focal point of your photo and emphasize what you want to say.
  • Light: This is the most important element of photography, as it determines the mood, the tone, the color, and the texture of your photo. Light can be natural or artificial, soft or hard, warm or cool, direct or indirect. A good use of light can enhance the beauty and the drama of your photo. It can also create shadows, highlights, and silhouettes that add depth and dimension to your photo.
  • Color: This is the element that can make your photo pop and catch the viewer's attention. Color can also convey emotions, feelings, and moods in your photo. Color can be vibrant or muted, complementary or contrasting, monochrome or multicolor. A good use of color can create harmony, balance, and contrast in your photo. It can also create a sense of unity, diversity, or contrast among the elements in your photo.
  • Perspective: This is the element that can make your photo unique and creative. Perspective is how you see and present the world in your photo. It can be influenced by your angle, your distance, your height, and your lens. A good use of perspective can create a sense of scale, depth, and dimension in your photo. It can also create a sense of surprise, curiosity, or wonder in the viewer.
  • Story: This is the element that can make your photo meaningful and memorable. Story is the message, the idea, the emotion, or the vision that you want to share with the viewer. It can be explicit or implicit, simple or complex, personal or universal. A good use of story can create a connection, a resonance, or a reaction in the viewer. It can also create a sense of context, purpose, or significance in your photo.

These elements are not mutually exclusive, and they can work together to create a good photo. However, you don't need to use all of them in every photo. Sometimes, less is more, and simplicity can be powerful. The key is to use the elements that suit your style, your subject, and your intention.

To help you understand and apply these elements better, I will show you some examples of beautiful pictures with iPhone, and explain why they work. I will also give you some tips and tricks on how to use the iPhone camera to achieve similar results.

How to Take Good Pictures with iPhone

The iPhone camera is one of the best smartphone cameras in the market. It has a lot of features and settings that can help you take good pictures with ease. However, you need to know how to use them properly and effectively, otherwise you might end up with mediocre or disappointing pictures.

In this section, I will show you how to take good pictures with iPhone, using the elements of composition, light, color, perspective, and story. I will also show you how to use some of the iPhone camera modes, such as Portrait, Night, and Panorama, to enhance your photos.

Let's begin with the most basic and essential feature of the iPhone camera: the shutter button.

How to Use the Shutter Button to Take Good Photos

The shutter button is the round white button that you see on the screen when you open the iPhone camera app. It is the button that you press to take a photo. However, there are more ways to use the shutter button than just tapping it once.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to use the shutter button to take good photos:

  • Tap and hold: If you want to take multiple photos in a row, you can tap and hold the shutter button to activate the burst mode. This will take 10 photos per second, until you release the button. This is useful for capturing fast-moving subjects, such as animals, children, or sports. You can then select the best photo from the burst and delete the rest.
  • Swipe left: If you want to take a video instead of a photo, you can swipe left on the shutter button to activate the video mode. This will start recording a video, until you swipe right or tap the stop button. This is useful for capturing dynamic scenes, such as events, performances, or interviews. You can also take a photo while recording a video, by tapping the white button on the right of the screen.
  • Swipe right: If you want to take a long exposure photo, you can swipe right on the shutter button to activate the live photo mode. This will take a photo that also records 1.5 seconds of video before and after the shot. This is useful for creating a sense of motion, such as waterfalls, fireworks, or traffic. You can then edit the live photo and apply the long exposure effect, by swiping up on the photo and selecting the long exposure option.
  • Use the volume buttons: If you want to take a photo with one hand, or if you want to avoid shaking the phone, you can use the volume buttons on the side of the phone to take a photo. This is useful for taking selfies, or for taking photos in awkward positions. You can also use the volume buttons on your headphones or earphones, if they are connected to your phone.
  • Use the timer: If you want to take a photo with a delay, or if you want to be in the photo yourself, you can use the timer on the top of the screen to take a photo. You can choose between 3 seconds or 10 seconds, and the phone will beep and flash before taking the photo. This is useful for taking group photos, or for taking photos with a tripod or a stand.

These are some of the ways to use the shutter button to take good photos. However, the shutter button is not the only feature of the iPhone camera that you can use. There are also other features and settings that you can adjust and customize, such as the focus, the exposure, the zoom, the flash, and the filters.

How to Use the Focus and Exposure to Take Good Photos

The focus and exposure are two of the most important settings of the iPhone camera that can affect the quality and the appearance of your photos. The focus is how sharp or blurry your subject is, and the exposure is how bright or dark your photo is.

By default, the iPhone camera will automatically adjust the focus and exposure for you, based on the lighting and the subject of your photo. However, sometimes the automatic settings might not be accurate or optimal, and you might want to change them manually.


iPhone photography is a great way to express your creativity and capture the world around you. With the iPhone camera, you can take good pictures with ease, using the features and settings that suit your style, your subject, and your intention. You can also use the elements of composition, light, color, perspective, and story to make your pictures more appealing and effective. You can also use the modes and features such as Portrait, Night, and Panorama to enhance your pictures. And you can also use the editing apps, tools, and techniques to refine and polish your pictures.

However, the most important thing to remember is that iPhone photography is not about the camera, but about the photographer. You are the one who has the vision, the message, the emotion, or the idea that you want to share with the viewer. You are the one who has the creativity, the skill, the passion, or the curiosity that you want to explore with the camera. You are the one who can make a good picture into a great picture.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment, to learn, to improve, and to have fun with iPhone photography. You never know what amazing photos you can take with iPhone.

About the Author

A passionate content creator and writer on a mission to make your digital life easier and more exciting. I dive into the fascinating universe & share hidden gems from the web, and deliver a wide array of amazing content.

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