Seamless Guide: How to Transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone

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Hey there! If you're looking to switch from an Android phone to an iPhone and need to transfer your WhatsApp data, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll guide you on how to do it seamlessly and securely using WhatsApp's official Chat Transfer feature.

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How to Transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone

If you're ready to begin the transfer, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Open the Move to iOS app on your Android phone and follow the on-screen instructions. You'll receive a code displayed on your iPhone.
  2. Enter the provided code on your Android phone when prompted. Tap Continue and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. On your Android phone, select WhatsApp on the Transfer Data screen. Tap START and wait for WhatsApp to prepare the data for export. Once ready, you'll be signed out on your Android phone. Tap NEXT to return to the Move to iOS app.
  4. Tap CONTINUE to initiate the data transfer from your Android phone to your iPhone. Wait for Move to iOS to confirm that the transfer is complete.
  5. Now, install the latest version of WhatsApp from the App Store. Open the app and log in using the same phone number as on your old device.
  6. When prompted, tap Start and let the process complete. Finish setting up your new iPhone, and voilà! Your chats will be right there waiting for you.

What You Need for the Transfer

Before we get started, ensure you have the following:

  • An Android phone with Android OS Lollipop 5.1, SDK 23, or above, or Android 6 or higher installed.
  • An iPhone with iOS 15.5 or later installed.
  • The same phone number as your old phone on your new iPhone.
  • The Move to iOS app installed on your Android phone (available on the Google Play Store).
  • The latest version of WhatsApp installed on both your phones (download from the App Store or the Google Play Store).
  • A power source for both your phones.
  • A Wi-Fi network or a hotspot connection for both your phones.

Quick note: Stick to the Move to iOS app for a smooth transfer; using other data migration apps won't work. Also, make sure your iPhone is either brand new or reset to factory settings to pair with the app. Please note that your call history and display name can't be transferred.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues along the way, don't worry. Here are some troubleshooting tips to assist you:

  • Ensure both phones are connected to a power source and have a reliable Wi-Fi network or hotspot connection.
  • Double-check that you have enough storage space on both phones for the data transfer.
  • Grant all the necessary permissions for the Move to iOS app and WhatsApp on both phones.
  • Verify you've entered the correct code on your Android phone when pairing with your iPhone.
  • Don't forget to select WhatsApp on the Transfer Data screen of your Android phone.
  • Make sure you haven't registered or verified your phone number on WhatsApp on your new phone before starting the migration process.
  • If the transfer gets interrupted or fails, don't worry. Restart both phones and give it another shot.


Transferring WhatsApp from Android to iPhone is a breeze with WhatsApp's Chat Transfer feature and the Move to iOS app. You can easily move your account info, profile photo, individual and group chats, chat history, media, and settings to your new iPhone. Just keep in mind that a few things, like your call history and display name, won't make the trip. We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy transferring!

About the Author

A passionate content creator and writer on a mission to make your digital life easier and more exciting. I dive into the fascinating universe & share hidden gems from the web, and deliver a wide array of amazing content.

1 comment

  1. Can an iPhone transfer files to an Android phone?
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